Veterinary Telemedicine: AniVet Hub the first virtual veterinary platform
It is evident that veterinary telemedicine is beneficial and a necessity in the delivery of veterinary services. In support of this practice, the Kenya Veterinary Board developed veterinary telemedicine guidelines. These guidelines are meant to guide the practice of veterinary telemedicine in Kenya. Veterinary practitioners are encouraged to embrace the use of telemedicine in providing veterinary services, as an adjunct to the conventional veterinary service provision.
Currently, only one telemedicine platform has been registered by the Board, AniVet Hub, which is a veterinary telemedicine mobile application available on both Android and iOS ecosystems. The app enables veterinary practitioners to conduct real-time video consultations. KVB-registered veterinary surgeons have to be registered on the platform in order to offer veterinary services.
For more information about the AniVet Hub please refer to poster and this message from the KVA Chairman, Dr Nicholas Muyale.